Finally some company

by - 18:34

What's more difficult than losing weight and trying to develop a more healthy lifestyle? Doing it alone. That's a lot more difficult. Especially when your other half really has awful eating habits and you're confronted with all the lovely junk food that you miss, but really REALLY shouldn't be eating.

Turns out that now hubby is going to start studying again, and this particular line of studying/work has a strict weight limit. Hubby is about 20kg above said limit, so his doc put him on a strict diet. Which means that I have a great opportunity to also get back on track to reaching my goals. This is awesome for us both. It was also a wake up call, because hubby's blood pressure was a bit too high. He got a lecture about obesity and all the nasty illnesses that can come with it, and although he's healthy now at 37, that's no guarantee for the future.

So, off we go on a fitness journey together. Me on my merry way with my lifting and just eating a little bit less and more healthy, he's off to a crash diet for now to get the first 10 kg off. I don't like crash diets but we don't have a lot of time and it's the doctor's advice. Hubby should be ok. :)

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